Death Valley is a bucket list spot. It is really amazing here and has lots to offer and see. I realize this is far from home, but it is absolutely worth the trip. When we took this trip it was 350 miles round trip lasting 7.5 hours. To rephrase it, I would put this right up there on the same level as kayaking the Hover Dam to Willow Beach. 10 out of 10. Totally worth ever bit of it. ( Airport Rd, DEATH VALLEY, CA 92328 ).
Death Valley
We left shortly after 7am and returned about 4pm. The drive is surprisingly pleasant too. For example, the route we took was 160 to Pahrump. Next, left turn on Bel Vista. Continue past Death Valley Junction on 190 and arrive at Furnace Creek Visitor Center. It is that easy. I would suggest going the speed limit because while we were in California we saw no less than 5 highway patrol. You may want to top off with gas in Pahrump as gas prices in Death Valley are nearly double.
Furnace Creek Visitor Center
To illustrate, Furnace Creek Visitor Center is where we started the day. Most importantly, it has all the facilities you need. Restrooms, Information center, Gifts, and Payment for the park. The price is $30 for vehicle and it lasts for one week. Granted, it helps pay for the roads and services and up keep. Well worth it. In fact, there is even a small movie theater if you want to watch information stories of the place. We went at the beginning of March and the day was spectacular with the temperature in 70s.
Badwater Basin
Afterwards we proceed to Badwater Basin which is the lowest place in America at 282 feet below sea level. On the other hand, if you look back at the wall, you will see a sign about one third down which indicates the sea level. Kinda cool. You can walk about half hour out to see the salt.
Sea level marker above.
Artist Drive
This is a really fun drive
Furthermore, driving back towards the visitor center we cut off on to the Artist Drive. This is a narrow one way road that is well worth taking. It is very winding and narrow up and down road taking you through the back part to see some great views. It is just a fun drive.
Harmon Borax Work
Afterwards, we continued past the visitor center to Harmony Borax Works. There is a great view of how it was like in the past. Dating from 1883 established to mine borax, which is a white crystalline salt.
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes
Subsequently, Continue north for a good drive to the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. It is a big contrast from Badwater Basin. It is worth the drive to see the Sand and walk out on to them. To this end, this was as far into the park that we ventured on the day we went. Turn around and start heading home.
Zabriskie Point
To demonstrate, very easy to get to and great vista.
Therefore, on the way out in the same direction we came in we stopped at a couple of vista points. The first spot is Zabriskie Point. Very well worth the stop. There is a short flat path up to the top where you can get some great views of the surrounding diversity.
Dantes View
For instance, the final stop was Dantes View. It is a short 13 mile drive to the top but is a must do. Once you reach the top you can a great view back down on to Badwater Basin. You see everything. After taking in the view it was time to pack up and start heading back to Las Vegas.
In conclusion, if you have a day to spare you should drive out to Death Valley. I would recommend in the cool months. Well worth the 350 mile / 7.5 hour drive from Las Vegas. I know I will be returning again. Bring lots of water. Lastly more information on Death Valley site.